If you’ve not heard of Niklas Mattsson you must have been living under a rock. The kid from Sundsvall has had a breakout season and took podiums at many of the major comps and rookie of the year here in Sweden. It seems as if Niklas was destined to do well in the snowboard game. With older brother Jonas paving the way Niklas simply followed after. Although the two are very different in style and size. Niklas being rather tall and Jonas on the shorter side of the measuring stick. It would be hard to guess these two are brothers. Rather then the obvious sharing of the same great parents Niklas and Jonas both love to shred. It’s apparent that Jonas was a great role model for his younger brother Niklas. Niklas made the move to Malung in hopes of seeing his snowboarding step to another level. He followed the footsteps of many the Swedish pro. Pro’s such as Jonas Carlson, Andreas Gidlund, and the Icelandic brothers Eiki and Haldor and a host of others. One needs to ask is Niklas Sweden’s next offering of pro caliber snowboarder? He’s a hard worker, nicer then Mr. Rogers, and has talent and style that hangs with the best. Only time will tell. Obviously his season has impressed his sponsors. We took some time to sit down with Niklas to ask him some thoughts about this season.
SW: So how has your season been?
NM: It’s been an awesome season this year. A lot of good results and my level of snowboarding have picked up allot. So that’s really fun, and no injuries so I’m glad about that.
SW: Ya for sure. Seems like you had some amazing results here in Sweden and also overseas. Did you have some specific goals before the season started? Were you expecting such a break out season?
NM: My plans for the season was to try to compete as much as I could. It’s something I enjoy doing and also tried to get some good results. I didn’t expect it to go so fast as it has done this season. To learn all these tricks that I learned this year. These are tricks that you have to do to be able to make good results in competitions nowadays. So the season has been better then I thought.
SW: Was this your first year in Malung or second?
NM: This was my second year.
SW: How much do you feel it has helped your riding level?
NM: The biggest help I got on my own. The coaches here at the school they have also helped me a bit, but when it comes to the level that snowboarding is today they do not have as much experience to share. Then it is up to you to mentally go for it. I think the snowpark has given me a lot of advantages in which I learn so much because the park is so intense and you get so many runs per day. So yeah I think I’ve been a better snowboarder here instead if I just stayed at home and was in a normal school at Sundsvall.
SW: You guys mostly ride Kläppen. How do feel the park was this season? We heard allot of people were hoping it would be better. Obviously it was good enough because you have to have a decent park in order to learn the tricks you did this season.
NM: Yeah I thought it would be better this season, the shaper this season was not that ambitious. Sometimes he forgot to shape the park and it leads to the park being in bad shape for some days. That wasn’t fun because we have to practice every day we get. So it was worse this season compared with last year.
SW: So speaking of parks you where recently at SuperPark in the USA. Tell us how that all worked out?
NM: Yeah that was a awesome ending of the season. The park was so sick I think the smallest jump was like 25 – 30 meter step down. You certainly had to think twice before you dropped all the features. It was like a Video comp I think between all the brands. So we filmed and hopefully we got some nice footage. I haven’t seen it yet but I think TJ Schneider will upload it soon somewhere. I was there just to have fun and meet all the guys from Capita. Blue the manager at Capita US told me that the first time your there you will get some experience and just cruising around and make some new friends. I got some heavy shit I think in the park so hopefully it will be out in the film!
SW: So what was your favorite feature? Did you hit the Loone jump?
NM: No I didn’t drop that insane jump but I was close to do it. After I saw Gjermund Braatens crash and all the other guys that overshot that jump I decided to not hit it. Cause it was like 50% of the people that overshot it and that could have been me so I keep it safe until next season. Hopefully I’ll be there again next season.
SW: What guys did you think where riding the best at Superpark? Any standout tricks that you thought were nice?
NM: Hmm, I liked Tyler Flanagan he was killing it on the Loone jump and Chas Guldemond was as well.
SW: How about any standout riders here in Sweden? All those big name riders here in Sweden must realize Niklas Mattsson is coming after them with a big bag of tricks.
NM: Yeah I think they all have realized I’m around. They know that they have to do better tricks if they want to win competitions. Nils Arvidson is riding strong and I think Chris Sörman will do more next season as well.
SW: Ya those are two great riders for sure. I think the level that the riding is at is very good for snowboarding here in Sweden. It seems like snowboarding kind has got a second life again in Sweden. You know what I mean? Your future looks real good man and we wish you the very best. What are your plans now and for next season?
NM: Thanks! I have lots to do next season. I think I will go down to Göteborg in June and make some plans for comps and stuff for next season with Gustav Een and the Colour guys. And I think there will be twice as much comps next year than this past season. So I will compete allot and I think we will do some trips with Colour as well. So hopefully it will be a good season next year. I hope it will flow as it did this season with no injuries.
SW: Well it sounds like next season is already shaping up nice. We wish the best and hope you get some chill time in the off season. Thanks for your time.
NM: Thanks and it was my pleasure!
Väl talat Nicke! :)
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